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Table 3 Thinking Aloud test results among participants (n = 5)

From: Usability and preliminary effectiveness of an app-based physical activity and education program for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis – a pilot randomized controlled trial



Average time (range) in sec



Navigate to the home screen

6 (3 to 10)


Navigate to “About this app”

8 (3 to 11)


Activate a reminder for performing the exercises and physical activities. Make sure that you also receive a notification about it

92 (30 to 280)



Create a training program and set a goal for a physical activity

109 (37 to 154)


Set the amount of series and repetitions of the first exercise

50 (16 to 88)


Set a reminder to perform the exercises and determine on which days you would like to perform them

28 (18 to 35)


Watch the video of the first exercise

22 (10 to 47)

Search for/collect information


Search for information regarding a healthy body weight and osteoarthritis

27 (13 to 58)


Search for information on the influence of stress on osteoarthritis

13 (4 to 25)


Start the information video for week 2

51 (10 to 103)