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Volume 5 Supplement 4

Targeting B cells in autoimmune diseases


Edited by Peter E Lipsky and Ravinder N Maini

Supported by an educational grant from Roche Pharmaceuticals

  1. The role of B cells in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been debated for decades. However, recent clinical trial data indicating that depletion of B cells in RA patients is of therapeutic benefit has validated th...

    Authors: Thomas J Oligino and Stacie A Dalrymple
    Citation: Arthritis Res Ther 2003 5(Suppl 4):S7
  2. The CD20 cell marker appears early in the process of B cell development. In this review we focus on the results of attempts to utilize B cell depletion based on the use of a chimeric monoclonal antibody (MAb) ...

    Authors: Claire Gorman, Maria Leandro and David Isenberg
    Citation: Arthritis Res Ther 2003 5(Suppl 4):S17
  3. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, multisystem autoimmune disease characterized by the differentiation of short- and long-lived immunoglobulin secreting plasma cells that secrete pathogenic autoa...

    Authors: Amrie C Grammer and Peter E Lipsky
    Citation: Arthritis Res Ther 2003 5(Suppl 4):S22
  4. B lymphocytes play several critical roles in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. They are the source of the rheumatoid factors and anticitrullinated protein antibodies, which contribute to immune complex...

    Authors: Gregg J Silverman and Dennis A Carson
    Citation: Arthritis Res Ther 2003 5(Suppl 4):S1

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 4.4
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.9
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.294
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.518

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 9
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 111

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 3,331,819
    Altmetric mentions: 1,885