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Table 1 Characteristics at survey of weight change patterns from age 25 to 10 years prior to the survey in adults ages 40–74 years* (N = 11,079)

From: Incident gout and weight change patterns: a retrospective cohort study of US adults


Stable non-obese

Losing body weight

Gaining body weight

Stable obese

No of participates, n (%)

7945 (71.7)

115 (1.0)

2307 (20.8)

712 (6.5)

Age (years), (95% CI)

54.1 (53.7–54.4)

52.0 (50.6–53.5)

56.8 (56.2–57.4)

51.3 (50.4–52.1)

Female, n (%)

4082 (53.0)

49 (45.5)

1198 (49.9)

368 (46.6)

Black, n (%)

1699 (9.9)

27 (16.2)

578 (11.6)

239 (17.3)

Current smoke, n (%)

1799 (21.1)

39 (34.9)

386 (16.4)

150 (18.3)

Alcohol consumption (drinks/day), (95% CI)

1.6 (1.6–1.7)

2.1 (1.5–2.8)

1.4 (1.3–1.5)

1.7 (1.4–2.0)

Diabetes, n (%)

793 (6.8)

22 (15.8)

684 (24.6)

217 (25.9)

Hypertension, n (%)

2978 (33.2)

48 (41.8)

1392 (57.1)

419 (56.5)

Annual household income ≥ 65,000$, n (%)

2644 (47.8)

29 (32.1)

671 (41.4)

187 (38.4)

BMI, mean (95% CI), kg/m2

 At 25 years of agea

22.1 (22.0–22.2)

34.5 (33.1–35.9)

24.9 (24.7–25.1)

34.7 (34.1–35.2)

 At 10 years priorb

24.6 (24.5–24.7)

26.7 (26.0–27.4)

34.2 (34.0–34.5)

39.0 (38.2–39.9)

 At examinationc

26.9 (26.7–27.0)

30.5 (28.9–32.1)

34.8 (34.5–35.1)

39.3 (38.5–40.2)

 Serum uric acid (mg/dL)

5.30 (5.25–5.35)

5.65 (5.23–6.08)

5.82 (5.73–5.90)

5.93 (5.77–6.10)

  1. *NHANES (2007–2014); sample weighted estimates
  2. aSelf-reported BMI at 25 years of age
  3. bSelf-reported BMI 10 years before examination
  4. cSelf-reported BMI at examination